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  • Writer's pictureHeaton Wilson

Brain block

I've just got back from five days away in the campervan, when among other things, I...

sat in the sun (okay, the shade, mainly);

found the best beer garden ever (the beer was good, too);

saw a fox, a jay, countless rabbits and crows, and Brent geese with their gangly chicks;

read a lot;

stared at the sky;

ate out; and - well, you get the idea.

And now, I should be getting on with the next book, but it's hard to get going again.

It's not so much writer's block, as brain block.

I'm just too relaxed!

So, taking my cue from a previous blog post, I'm not going to stress over it. I'll just wait for the cold water shock of inspiration to wake me up again.

At least I managed to string a few words together for this post.

I need a rest now...

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