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  • Writer's pictureHeaton Wilson

First rule of writing...

... there aren't any.

I followed so many web links in my earlier days, looking for tips on 'how to be a writer'.

Then I realised I already was one and decided to trust myself more.

Words of wisdom - and it's amazing how many there are - include: make it a rule to write every day; do at least 500 words a day; write what comes into your head and don't edit as you go along; write about what you know; plan meticulously; always carry a notebook; and keep one by your bed for those moments of night time inspiration (I don't know about you, but I rarely wake up in the middle of the night thinking that I simply must write that thought down; I tend to just roll over and grunt a bit).

Anyway, for what it's worth, here's my approach. I write when I feel like it, and certainly not every day, or even the same time every day; I don't carry a notebook because if an idea is that good I'll still remember it when I get home; I edit as I go along, because I like to feel happy with what I've written before I move on.

I do roughly plan out a new book on a few sheets of paper - the plot, main characters, setting etc. But I always end up with a different outcome once I start writing.

And there's one good reason for that; which leads to me confess that I wasn't telling the truth.

For me, there actually is a rule: the first and only one. It is to be flexible, so that I let the story and the people in it take over.

I wouldn't dare say it's a rule you should follow, but it works for me.

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