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  • Writer's pictureHeaton Wilson

I live on Writer's Block*

Yes, I seem to have settled here nicely.

Every time I sit down to continue working on my next masterpiece (!), there it is again; that slightly numb feeling, fingers poised over the keyboard, the screen waiting for some action.

But do I worry? Not a chance. I feel at home here. It's almost comfortable, because I know the Block isn't permanent. I'm only renting space for a short time...

Interesting that whole books and courses have been written on the subject. It would be ironic if any of the writers ever suffered from the Block - staring blankly, unable to find the next sentence that they know is in there somewhere but refuses to come out.

Anyway, please don't worry if you get the Block. It's like a high speed train; it goes as quickly as it arrives. For what it's worth, I simply walk away and do something else, and sooner or later, my brain will click into gear.

And everything will be all write!

*An area of Chelsea, in London UK, became known as the Writer's Block because of the number of authors who lived there.

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