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  • Writer's pictureHeaton Wilson

Lonely writer?

I often get asked how I can sit by myself, hour after hour, writing.

They probably think of me as a poor tortured anguished soul, crying over the keyboard.

But they couldn't be more wrong. I'm quite happy being on my own, and I suspect many writers feel the same. My mum used to tell me I lived in my own little world, and that's probably still the case.

For me, being alone is fine. It's a form of therapy, and it came into its own during the Covid lockdown. I hated the suffering it caused to some, but I enjoyed being shut away for weeks on end.

The point of all this is to encourage you not to think of being a writer as being a lonely, miserable existence.

It's a great opportunity to get some balance in your life by grabbing some me time.

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