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  • Writer's pictureHeaton Wilson

Writing about sex

Some books are full of it; some avoid it completely; others give it a carefully low key mention.

But is it best to spell it out, or leave it to the imagination?

The comparison that springs to mind is murder.

Let me explain...

I've written and published four crime fiction books (Every Reason, Whatever It Takes, Retribution and Beneath The Surface). Every one involved one or more murders, and I could have chosen to spell out the detail in all its brutality. But I chose not to, and judging by the feedback, that decision didn't affect anyone's enjoyment of the story.

My next book, (The Waves of Change, which will be published in a few weeks) is a big departure for me.

First, no-one gets murdered (I know - shocking!) and second, my main character gets to have sex a couple of times. This is the first time I have felt brave enough to write about it.

Looking back over the words, it's clear I have chosen the same approach; giving the reader enough information to get the picture, without going into detail.

But is this the right approach, I ask myself.

Committing murder and having sex are hugely emotional events, so is a low key description the best way to communicate the significance of what's happening?

My instinct is always to allow the reader scope to fill in the detail.

But I'd love to know what you think.

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